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Townhouse Sales Surpass Condos in GTHA Multi-Family Market for the First Time in Over a Decade
Zonda Urban's Q3-2024 survey reveals a historic shift in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area multi-family housing market, as townhouse sales account for 56% of transactions, overt
Buckle up, renters — Calgary's rental market expected to tighten further in 2024
According to Zonda Urban, an analytics firm that tracks real estate and rental data, roughly 5,000 new purpose-built market rental units are expected to come on stream in Calgary in
Zonda Urban estimates at least 25,000 new condo units for the GTHA in 2023
“2022 was a year of extremes for the multi-family market in the GTHA,” Pauline Lierman, Vice President Market Research for Zonda Urban said.